Friday, November 19, 2010

no title

Hmmmmm.Getting old...Being alone...being ugly...awww.awww..awww.Very Bad.I dont like to see the future?You cant be able to play basketball anymore.You’re out of trend..You cant wear the latest fashion,You have to wear reading glasses,,theres a dextrose in your arms, you have a cathether?(please observed the spelling?) You cant be able to have sex and perform a sexual ritual cause for sure your wife is old enough for you to do the same thing as if the two of you were inj your teenage years unless youre going to pay somebody to do the job for you!Unless there are willing or your rich enough to pay for that dirty job(LOL)
Seems that getting old is disadvantnage for those who is goiing there...They are very much afraid of the consequences.Thinking of it, the future is already a headache,.,,Imagine you can never do all things youre doing in youre yoouthful years.Most of those youth who is enjoying there adolescent years want to experienced the so called forever young..Maintaining there strength.physical attributes and sexual stamina..everybody is doing things to prevent the aging process.Its already a bussiness.Being a beautiful makes other rich,,in return being beautiful even if you spend lot of money make you become respectful.You become superior..Imaginee setting beside a tan woman if youre have a pale white skin.Most eyes turn to you, and someone whose setting beside you was descriminated.Thats white invasion.Discrimination and of course unsuperiority.?
Most of your friends died already and yet youre still alive,You cried a thousand times over them but youre not with them anymore.You see them dying and they are all at rest yet you still maintain that youthful years.They alrerady experienced the cycle of life ---born—live—death..yet youre still roaming and enjoying..Im telling you,,youre not happy.
Getting old is completion of the process of being a human.Having a grand chilrdren,,Playing with them,,and giving advise to them.Medication will be expected but that was the time you will feel they care for you.Dying is expected but that was the completion of the process.
People will cry for you.They will reminisce youre memories so be sure to set an example.leave a legacy and dont forget to say i love you before it will be too late..
So is this enough for you to die?and experienced to be old?joke........

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