Thursday, January 27, 2011


I just wanna share you this video of mine taken at our house wayback 2007 using my camcorder together with my youngest brother. This is what im doing, my family bussiness to contine our studies and to send all of us in college. This is very enjoyable, at my age that time. i was 21 im still doing it. For sure my friend will not agree and wont beieve that it was me and that im doing it, But for sure it was me. No doubt...During my college days they used to see me with my motorcycle and i dont tell them that we are running such kind of bussiness. Im not ashamed of it,or i dont want it to tell but nobody asked me for it, and besides who cares?it doesnt matter to them as long as you are good to them. I dont keep it as a secret but why do i have to tell them thay dont really care after all. I just share this video for us to realize that it is our parents who molds us and prepare us to be a good citizen of the country. No matter what kind of bussiness thery are running they did it for us. So please guys,, appreciate our parents,,they are doing everything for us to have a good life. As we can see, as a child, it is our mindset that they are responsible for us.....but what is a little appreciation?a kiss or a thank you.. For parents that is enough for them to ease the pain inside.. Have fun reading guys...

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